

View synonyms for go to bed with

go to bed with

  1. Engage in sex with; see go all the way , def. 2.

  2. go to bed . Start printing a newspaper or other publication. The allusion here is that the morning newspaper is usually printed sometime during the night before. For example, It's too late for your story; the paper went to bed half an hour ago . [Mid-1800s]

  3. go to bed with the chickens . Retire very early, as in She made the children go to bed with the chickens . The chickens here alludes to the fact that domestic fowl generally go to sleep at sundown.

  4. Also, get in or into bed with . Form a close association with, as in There's always the danger that the inspectors will get in bed with the industries they're supposed to be inspecting . This usage simply extends the sexual relationship of def. 1 to broader use.



